Youth Bowling Programs at Holiday Lanes

Our Strikers Youth League bowlers who represented Holiday Lanes at in the Pepsi Grand Prix! #GeauxBowling #PepsiGrandPrix

Male legs and bowling ball

Did you know?

Bowling is also America’s #1 participation activity with over 68 million American’s bowling each year. Bowling is a favorite with children/kids ages 4-18 with over 40% of that age group bowling at least once per year.

The best part of many bowling scholarships is that they are based mostly on participation and not solely on talent. BEST OF ALL—NO ONE RIDES THE BENCH IN BOWLING!

Plus…bowling is now the fastest growing high school sport in America.

Various colored bowling balls in holder

Our youth bowling coaches will teach your child the basics of bowling, a lifetime sport that provides over 3 million dollars per year in scholarship money to graduating seniors. All programs include bumpers and regular bowling for children ages 3 to 18. Our certified coaches provide hands-on learning during the league session.

Children have the opportunity to compete for scholarships and bowl in tournaments throughout the year. All leagues include trophies, holiday treats, t-shirts, and an end of the year party. Make new friends and have fun in a smoke-free environment!

  • Youth Leagues
  • Varsity High School
  • Geaux Bowling
  • Bowling 2.0
  • Bowlers Ed

Our Youth League is designed to nurture children between the ages 3-20 through their involvement within a USBC sanctioned league. This league bowls on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. during the fall and Holiday Lanes provides members with a free shoe rental, use of balls, and a yearly membership to the USBC (Courteously provided by the NWLA USBC Association). Participants also have exciting opportunities to bowl in tournaments, participate in Junior Gold, and acquire scholarship to use at the institution of their choice within Louisiana. All who are interested in getting their child involved in the sport are welcome.

For more information contact our Youth Director at 318-746-7331 x206.